Career Discussions

This course is designed to help you engage with your employer to unlock your true potential and identify the career that aligns with your interests, strengths, and values.
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Your Opportunity

Great news! If you're lucky enough to be employed by a forward-thinking company that has already embraced a career discussion program, get ready to seize the opportunity to maximize the benefits of these discussions! However, if your company is yet to implement a career discussion program and embraces performance appraisals, don't worry! This is your chance to take matters into your own hands and embark on a journey of growth and success. We'll provide you with the necessary tools and materials to adopt a fresh approach that will not only add immense value to your career but also prove beneficial to your employer. Embrace this opportunity, and together, we'll pave the way for your professional development!

Here are the topics we will cover in this course

1 It's Your Future

Career discussions are all about your future. Only you can seize the opportunity. 

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2 Preparation

Fail to plan, plan to fail, its that simple. Prepare properly and enjoy all of the benefits.

3 Value Creation and Delivery

While the focus is you; it's an opportunity to demonstrate the value you create and deliver. 

4 Long-term Career Objectives

You need a roadmap to guide your career growth and provide direction and focus.   

5 The Language of Business

Speaking the language of business is how you best serve your customer; your employer.  

6 Personal Development Plan

Having a plan is the best way of obtaining career growth help from your employer. 
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7 Compensation

What are you worth? Do you know how to effectively answer that question? 

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Meet the instructor

Paul Poirier

As a seasoned performance-centric thinking professional, Paul possesses a deep understanding of what it takes to excel in today's competitive landscape. He has honed his expertise through years of practical experience, navigating over 12 industries, and leading teams to achieve exceptional business transformation.

Knowing why a new employee and leadership playbook is required, is easy to answer. Understanding how to implement the solutions of the new playbook is the real challenge and where he loves to spend his time 
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